It’s an app world

We do not build gaming apps, but we do build simple brand and business apps for iOS and Android devices. Again, our app development experience has predominantly been driven by marketing needs. Our client-partners’ end clients and customers started to live online: websites, social media, video consumption, etc. and then came smartphones and apps. If our end-user was now spending most of their online time on smartphones, we had to know how to effectively reach and communicate with them so our client could too. In short, apps carry forward the same thinking as any of our other technology development: business and marketing centric, strategic in every sense and not just for the bragging rights of having an app. In this extremely saturated space, an app is a very delicate relationship with the end-user and requires a touch that is a lot more than just having technical ability. The CRE8 mobile app development arm exists to provide our client-partners with the necessary competitive edge needed to do business with the end-user, regardless of the medium and thus, we develop apps. From simple brand communications and accessing a data feed, to sophisticated augmented-reality driven real estate and ecommerce apps, CRE8 has the experience and skill to develop purpose-built apps that fit within your overall business goals.

Stop_Experimenting & Contact CRE8 Idea Co. If you're interested in scheduling a project, getting more information on the CRE8 process and/or, of course, requesting for quote/proposal, please give us as much information as possible and we'll get right back with you.