Custom. No Template Solutions

No, this is not a templatized, restrictive, gets you 75% of the way there, eCommerce service. The CRE8 eCommerce solution is a custom platform that adapts to your precise needs. Since this solution is indeed a platform, and not just a service, it can integrate with your existing inventory, accounting and reporting systems, or replace them all. We can integrate with the most popular social media channels, implement offline capabilities, readily available to sync data when it is online. Based on your needs, it is also an in-store point of sale, inventory, sales and employee management system with real-time syncing to your online store. The CRE8 eCommerce platform is a fully operational storefront for all your locations (online or offline), customized to your unique business needs, in a box, ready to be customized to your unique business needs.

Stop_Experimenting & Contact CRE8 Idea Co. If you're interested in scheduling a project, getting more information on the CRE8 process and/or, of course, requesting for quote/proposal, please give us as much information as possible and we'll get right back with you.